What is a Creative Visionary?
There is a Creative Visionary within us all. Essentially this is the part of us we each have to claim in order to make a life lived in keeping with our true knowing and desire. Through time the Creative Visionary has featured in all cultures and civilisations.
The Creative Visionary is the artist, the leader, the planner and the inspired one. In Scotland, the Creative Visionary has been the archetypal seer. They/she/he can also be known as the shaman, curandero, bard, storyteller, healer, magician, witch or the medicine person amongst lots of other titles. To be a Creative Visionary is to sit alone and attune to the story within. It is also to sit with another and make space for the vision to emerge in the field between. So the Creative Visionary is also the counsellor or the empathic listener.
Creative Vision is an innovative model working to bring the Visionary to life in everyone in order to create a clear collective vision for our planet.
Online year course begins 14 FEBRUARY 2025

Sandra IngermanAuthor of Soul Retrieval and Medicine for the Earth
Carol Day is an extraordinary, innovative and gifted practitioner and teacher. She brings in the power of love, compassion and creativity to all of her work. She will take you deep into the unseen worlds and provide a rich and meaningful experience for you ​
Wellspring Foundation
Carol is an inspiring, creative, shamanic visionary à nd film maker, led by spirit and full of courage, wisdom, love and understanding. She is able to relate to and connect people from all backgrounds with joyful, gossamer threads. Her courses are above all great fun. I feel that these are incredible times of change and uncertainty, when outdated archtypes are being revisited, understood and re-invented and there is a huge appetite for new stories that honour our beautiful earth; Carol is at the forefront here, a great teacher. ‘Those who tell the stories rule society'. Plato
Kirstie Smith
"Felt great after the session thanks...ten feet tall in fact. Definitely felt a big piece has fallen into place. And perfect just before the move."
Janine Wylie
Working with Carol (Carrie) has been nothing but life changing. I have trained, studied and worked with Carol for over 6 years now because her work is fascinating, resourceful and deeply healing. Her dedication and commitment to the people she works with is commendable. There is no other Carol Day in this world and if you have the chance to work with her, you will be lead on a journey that is not only insightful, interesting and opening to a more creative, natural and authentic way but like I said life changing. August 2024
Lyn Hill, Sacred Awakenings
I recently joined Carrie for her 3 year Astrology Shamanic Training.This was probably the most challenging training I have done with anyone. I remember Carrie saying to me towards the end that I'd been through a 3 year initiation! The thing is that Carrie was always there for me, supporting me, encouraging me, guiding me. She was holding my hand along the way, as I learnt so much about myself. I never felt alone with Carrie and her big heart and kindness alongside me. The invaluable support she gave me means that I can confidently take this work to my clients and hold their hands on their healing journeys. Thank you.
Angela Dickson
My first individual session with Carol was the beginning of a wonderful journey into a deeper understanding of shamanism."
Liz Stewart, Point of Light
"Once more the Stables at Falkland held the space for the second last input of my constellation training.Known as Earth Ensemble and believe me, the Earth is calling out for this healing modality.This is moving deep work that frees us from ancestral entanglements and more. So much more.Carol Day thank you for holding, creating and bringing this work to us all"​
Allison, Constellation course trainee
"Working with Carrie and the others on the course has been a real joy. Together, and with Carrie's profound ability to hold space, we have created a special space that has enabled me to show up as I am and engage fully in each learning opportunity. At times I like to stay in my head and learn from that place and ever so gently the course has encouraged to step into the space of learning through doing and that has been a real gift. Through the course I have been learning about the wholeness template and constellations, but I learnt and gained so much more. It is a real privilege to be part of this group and course."
Abi Newman
"Carrie holds a space that is a beautiful combination of spacious and contained, with flow and boundaries; safe for the soul to adventure. Offering rich diversity in her knowledge and creatively weaving together many approaches from ancient animism to the modern therapeutic, all courses I have attended have been mythic, magical, creative, expansive and nurturing; all deeply held in love and community. I am endlessly grateful for her generosity in sharing from her heart, mind and soul. The spaces that I have entered into with Carrie have always felt rooted effortlessly in the everyday, grounded in nature, whilst simultaneously stretching out beyond the everyday physical world and re-rooting back into place, spirit and the great mysteries that life provides. "