an advanced Shamanic workshop

an advanced Shamanic workshop @ Kilgour House, Falkland Estate, KY15 7AE
Friday 14 March 7 - 9 pm
Saturday 15 March 10 am - 9 pm
Sunday 16 March 10 am - 2 pm
Here is the first advanced Shamanic workshop I have held at Kilgour for a number of years!
Working with the theme of Alignments, this weekend is an opportunity for Shamanic practitioners to journey deeper into alignment with their role and calling in these times.
In this workshop you will:
Journey to understand the importance of alignment
Work with the weather spirits to receive guidance on balance and development of practices for the times
Work with Ancestors to heal imprints from events
Work with the future ones to bring through healing songs of restoration and divinations for today
Connect with trees and uncover human-tree wisdoms
Make ceremonies with the star beings and the mountains
Divine with the birds
Dances of dismemberment and remembering with the ones behind the planes
Participate in soul and vision restoration sessions with another
Receive guidance on your next steps with your work and pla​y