Earth Council
@ Kilgour House, Falkland Fife KY15 7AE
Friday 16 May 6 - 9 pm
Saturday 17 May 10 - 9 pm
Sunday 18 May 10 - 4 pm
Here is a Constellation workshop that holds space for a conversation with the earth through time with the present as an anchor.
A workshop for people who have experience and/or training in constellation practice.
In this workshop you will experience:
Group/triad and individual constellations
Chair work
Nature merging
Shamanic Extraction through constellation
Curse releasing through constellation
Archetypal council meetings
Leyline walking
Space holding with the trees
Diving with humans past, present and future
Trance dance as constellation
Star system interviewing
Divining a collective vision and individual vision for the time​s
Participants will additionally be taught ways of holding space and be given a document to support practice with the Earth Ensemble style of constellation practice.
Cost: £300
includes meals
Saturday lunch
Sunday lunch and dinner